A "large grant" is one for which the allowable budget exceeds $1M direct costs per year and/or the research involves multiple investigators and scientific/administrative components. These large project grants are an increasingly important source of funding as today’s scientific environment grows more collaborative and multi-disciplinary in nature - cell biologists working with bioinformaticians; physicists with economists; clinician scientists with chemists; etc. Given their growing importance, and especially in light of current budget limitations, large project grants to support multi-disciplinary approaches to scientific questions are becoming more common.
LGDP Services
LGDP staff can support you in every step of the proposal process, including early-stage scientific discussions, timeline development, the collection and writing of common institutional language, late-stage technical editing, and proofreading. Below is a schematic of the support we can provide.

If you would like support in the development and preparation of your large, multi-investigator grant proposal, contact [email protected].