RDO Programs
Resource Allocation Program (RAP)
RAP is a campus-wide program that manages the dissemination, submission, review and award of various intramural funding opportunities. The seed-funding grants are offered twice per year: in the Spring (online application submission begins in January) and in the Fall (online application submission begins in August) . Click here for more information.
Limited Submissions Program (LSP)
The LSP is responsible for the management of extramural funding opportunities that limit the number of applications UCSF may put forward to a given sponsor or require some other kind of internal coordination (e.g., to eliminate unnecessary duplication of instrument requests).
Large Grant Development Program (LGDP)
A "large grant" is one for which the allowable budget exceeds $1M per year in direct costs or the research involves multiple investigators and scientific/administrative components. LGDP staff support every step of the proposal process for large grants, including early-stage scientific discussions, timeline development, the collection and writing of common institutional language, late-stage technical editing, and proofreading. NOTE: due to current staffing levels within the RDO, services in the Large Grant Development Program may be limited.
Special Strategic Projects (SSPs)
SSPs involve facilitating cross-institutional research collaborations or donor proposal development, as well as supporting campus-wide initiatives such as our Precision Medicine Initiative. This program also includes outreach activities with other research development and research administration partners within UCSF, UC and across the nation. NOTE: due to current staffing levels within the RDO, services in Special Strategic Projects may be limited.
Team Science Program (TSP)
The TSP fosters and supports team science efforts across campus and between our campus and other partners. The program offers a variety of services aimed at stimulating multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary efforts, from producing team-building events to supporting administrative needs of new teams. Click here for a complete description of TSP services. NOTE: due to current staffing levels within the RDO, services in the Team Science Program may be limited.
T32 Trainee Tracking System (3TS)
The 3TS program has been closed effective January 1, 2022. There are some remaining resources for preparation of T32 applications and can be found at Guides however they will not be maintained going forward.