
RDO's Templates and Guides
Are you looking for UCSF descriptions for your grant's Facilities and Resources document, or want an example of NIH new Authentication of Key Resources Plan? Check out our grant template text library, managed by the RDO and hosted on a UCSF Library Guides page. Do you have suggestions of templates to add or update? Please let us know by emailing [email protected].

Covid-19 Information
Links to information and updates on COVID-19 and its impact on UCSF.

Scientific Writing Course
The Department of Surgery's Scientific Writing Course is intended for faculty and trainees who wish to learn specific ways to marshal the details of a biomedical research paper or grant proposal int a clear, concise and comprehensible story that will be understandable to an interdisciplinary readership (papers), or meet the agency's review criteria (proposals).

UCSF Guides: Finding and Using Images:Government Image Collections

Selected sources and tools for finding, citing, and editing images -- both general and medical. Image collections from US Government websites.

Clinical Research Resource HUB
The HUB provides a single portal to clinical research resources, expertise, and best practices for investigators, study staff, participants and partners/affiliates.

UCSF Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The IACUC oversees all UCSF research and instruction that involves vertebrate animals, in order to ensure that the highest ethical and animal welfare standards are met.

Conflict of Interest (COI)
“Conflict of interest in research” refers to situations in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, a researcher's professional judgment in conducting or reporting research. In those situations where a financial interest and/or possible conflict of interest are disclosed, each situation is reviewed by the Chancellor’s Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee (COIAC).

Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
The Committee on Human Research (CHR) is UCSF's Institutional Review Board (IRB). An Institutional Review Board is a committee, operating under Federal regulations, State laws, and institutional policy, that reviews research involving human subjects to ensure the ethical and equitable treatment of those subjects.

Risk Management and Insurance Services (RMIS)
Risk Management and Insurance Services (RMIS) strives to protect the assets and interests of UCSF staff and programs through assessment of loss exposures, focused prevention efforts and efficient management of insurance and self-insurance policies.

Office of Institutional Research (OIR)
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is responsible for campus-wide institutional research activities and initiatives, including the organization, collection and analysis of campus data in response to requests from internal and external organizations.

Office of the Ombuds
The Office of the Ombuds was established in 2011 to promote a supportive learning and working environment at UCSF by providing alternative dispute resolution services that are protected from disclosure. The office serves as a resource for all members of the UCSF community (faculty, staff, administrators, students, post-doctoral fellows and other trainees) and offers a safe, confidential place to discuss campus-related issues and explore possibilities for informally addressing concerns.

Office of Academic Affairs and Faculty Development and Development
The Office of the Vice Provost, Academic Affairs and Faculty Development facilitates the recruitment, development, mentoring and retention of the highest-caliber diverse faculty. We provide leadership, training, and guidance in the development and implementation of policies and procedures relating to academic personnel. We are committed to improving the work life and academic environment for faculty to support innovative and collaborative approaches for education, research and health care at UCSF.

Faculty Mentoring Program: Responding to the results from the Faculty Climate Survey, the UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program was established in 2006 with the goals of supporting the recruitment and retention of the highest quality faculty, increasing faculty diversity through improved mentoring of under-represented faculty and improving faculty career satisfaction and success.

Budget and Resource Management
The mission of the Budget and Resource Management department is to provide the highest quality decision support and resource management services to the UCSF enterprise in order to optimize acquisition and financial stewardship of University resources in support of instruction, research and public service to advance health worldwide.

MyResearch - Academic Research Systems

MyResearch is a secure data hosting service for researchers. This service provides research teams with a professionally managed, secure, web-based, collaborative environment in which to manage files containing sensitive data. MyResearch also provides remote desktop capability with application and database services that allow investigators to view, manipulate, and save their data entirely in a protected environment without requiring files to be stored on their own computers. Applications such as SAS or Excel run on the MyResearch servers in our secure data center but they appear on the user’s own screen as if they were running locally on the user’s computer.

See more at: MyResearch Resources