Limited Submission Program (LSP)


LSP Process and timeline graphic example

The LSP is responsible for the management of limited submission opportunities (LSOs). LSOs are extramural funding opportunities that either limit the number of applications UCSF may put forward to a given sponsor or require some other kind of internal coordination (e.g., to eliminate unnecessary duplication of instrument requests). The LSP is responsible for the dissemination, solicitation and selection of proposals for such limited submission funding opportunities at UCSF. If you have reason to believe a funding opportunity you are interested in is limited, and you do not see it on this list, please contact us.

To qualify for UCSF Limited Submission Program opportunities, applicants must have a paid UCSF appointment either at the time of application or anticipated by the time of award.

The LSP is a selection process, not an award process, and all reviewer feedback is optional. We encourage you to seek other avenues for proposal feedback.


Current LSOs

Extended Deadline

Calendar of Recurring LSOs

Recent LSP Nominees

UCSF Society of Hellman Fellows


Advisory Committee



Current LSOs

To receive email updates when new LSOs are announced, subscribe to the Limited Submissions listserv.
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Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Climate + Health Excellence Centers Award
Click here for Cover Sheet
Deadline for LOI: March 12, 2025 NOON
Deadline for Sponsor Application: December 04, 2025

NIH PAR-23-171 Diagnostic Centers of Excellence (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Click here for Cover Sheet
Deadline for LOI: March 12, 2025 NOON
Deadline for Sponsor Application: May 15, 2025

Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research Award 2026
Click here for Cover Sheet
Deadline for Pre-App: April 02, 2025 NOON
Deadline for Sponsor Application: August 27, 2025

Pew Biomedical Scholars Award 2026
Click here for Cover Sheet
Deadline for Pre-App: April 02, 2025 NOON
Deadline for Sponsor Application: September 02, 2025

William T. Grant Scholars Program 2025
Click here for Cover Sheet
Deadline for Pre-App: April 28, 2025 NOON
Deadline for Sponsor Application: July 01, 2025

Extended Deadline

If the LSO internal deadline passes without receiving any applications, LSP will assign an Extended Deadline that will remain open until the first eligible LOI is received and approved on a first come/first approved basis. The Extended Deadline will be set at ten-fifteen workdays prior to the Sponsor Deadline to allow potential time for internal administrative processes to take place. To express interest in applying for these opportunities, please email LOI form to [email protected].

Calendar of Recurring LSOs

Opportunities noted in the table linked above are typically offered the same time each year.
Please note that both availability and eligibility requirements noted are approximate, and subject to change.

Recent LSP Nominees

Table linked above is updated following every LSP nomination January 2025 - Present.

UCSF Society of Hellman Fellows
This program is now being managed by Corporate and Foundation Relations.


1. LSP learns of LSOs in several ways: UCSF receives an invitation from a private foundation to submit nominees, a federal funding opportunity becomes available, the LSP receives direct notification of an LSO or an LSO is identified by the LSP.

2. The opportunity is announced to the campus via the LSP listserv and applications for an internal competition are invited. To subscribe to the LSP listserv, please visit and click "Subscribe." A list of all current LSOs as well as a table of typically recurring LSOs are maintained online (linked above).

3. All applications or internal LOIs are due to [email protected] by NOON on the internal due date, unless stated otherwise in the announcement.

4. Pre-Application vs. Internal LOI process:

a. Pre-Applications are used when the LSP anticipates more than a single application

i. Under the direction of the Chair, the LSP Advisory Committee identifies a review committee comprised of former awardees and faculty with area-specific expertise. A list of reviewers who served between June 2018 - July 2019 can be found here

ii. Each application is reviewed and scored by at least two reviewers. The application with the best score is selected and the nominee receives institutional approval.

iii. The program will make an effort to avoid having multiple members of a specific department on a review committee.

b. Internal LOIs are used to gauge interest for any given LSO:

i. LSP Advisory Committee Chair reviews LOI and provides institutional approval for applicant to move forward with a full application.

ii. If multiple LOIs are received by the internal deadline, a full internal competition will be held, and applicants will be asked to submit a pre-application and then proceed with the workflow described above.

iii. If the LSP learns of a LSO with less than 30 days until the sponsor deadline, institutional approval is granted on a first come, first served basis

5. After institutional approval, nominees move forward with a full application to the sponsor:

a. For opportunities sponsored by private foundations, the LSP coordinates with UCSF's Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations to provide nominees with editorial support. Nominees are always notified if this support is available.

b. For all opportunities, the LSP notifies RMS of all internal nominees who have received institutional approval to move forward with the full application.

c. The LSP's involvement ends with results notification to all applicants. PIs should work with their department RMS teams and identify the date by which RMS will need the full application prior to the sponsor application due date.

Please review the Request for Applications (RFA) for any requirements regarding an institutional letter. If the LSP process applies, or if you have any questions, please contact the Limited Submissions team for further assistance.

Advisory Committee

The LSP resides in the Research Development Office (RDO) and is provided operational oversight by the RDO Director and guidance through a faculty Advisory Committee. Together they are charged with establishing policies and procedures. The members of the current Advisory Committee are:

  • Marina Sirota, PhD (Chair)
  • Susan Chang, MD (Vice Chair for Cancer)
  • Danielle Hessler Jones, PhD
  • Jennifer James, PhD, MS, MSW
  • Jeffrey Lotz, PhD
  • Sabine Mueller, MD, PhD
  • Torsten Wittmann, PhD
  • Willow Coyote-Maestas, PhD, MS
  • Jason Cyster, PhD


Amanda Yu
[email protected]