Microbiome TrIP Seed Funding 2020 Awardees

The Tri-Institutional Partnership in Microbiome Research is a new partnership between UC San Francisco (UCSF), UC Davis (UCD), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), formed to encourage research collaboration focused broadly on understanding microbiomes. The aim of the initiative is to catalyze bold, synergistic, and potentially transformative collaborative research through joint seed grants and position the institutions favorably for follow-on extramural funding.

The recipients of 2020 seed funding through the Tri-Institutional Partnership in Microbiome Research are:

Team Proposal Title

Andreas Baumler, PhD (UC Davis)

Suzanne Noble, MD PhD (UCSF)

Andrew Tritt (LBNL)

Colonization resistance against Candida

Maneesh Dave, MD (UC Davis)

Adam Arkin, PhD (LBNL)

Precision editing of gut dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel disease for ameliorating inflammation

Andreas Baumler, PhD (UC Davis)

Peter Turnbaugh, PhD (UCSF)

Emeley Eloe-Fadrosh, PhD (LBNL)

FODMAP utilzation by the microbiota

Joanne Emerson, PhD (UC Davis)

Peter Turnbaugh, PhD (UCSF)

Simon Roux, PhD (LBNL)

Unraveling strain-level virus-host dynamics in diverse ecosystems

Matthew Spitzer, PhD (UCSF)

Oliver Fiehn, PhD (UC Davis)

James Bentley Brown, PhD (LBNL)

MicroMetabolome: a biological and analytical framework of the human microbiome-metabolome axis