UCSF research support offices have partnered to organize the second annual Research-Related Resources (3Rs) Symposium. The event, which is intended for UCSF faculty, will highlight offices and departments that provide research-related services and resources. This symposium is meant to supplement the information faculty receive at the UCSF Faculty Development Day. We hope that you will join us for this exciting event. Please register here.
The full-day symposium will take place on Thursday, December 5th in Genentech Hall (Mission Bay Campus)
Event Format
This full-day event will include short "lightning" presentations by UCSF offices and an informational poster/table session at lunch for follow-up discussion.
Participating Offices
Academic Affairs
Academic Research Systems
Bakar Institute
Biospeciman Resources Program
Budget and Resource Management
Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Controller's Office
Human Research Protection Program
Institute for Global Health Sciences
Institutional Animal Care & Use Program
Laboratory Animal Resource Center
UCSF Library
Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Office of Ethics and Compliance
Office of Sponsored Research
Research Development Office
Research Resource Program
School of Medicine Technology Services